They will also trade to obtain agricultural products from the villagers through barter.
Positive findings on herbs would be great news if Americans could obtain reliable products with known doses of substances that have medicinal effects.
Many victimless crimes begin because of a desire to obtain illegal products or services that are in high demand.
For example, people can interact with their families and friends, learn, conduct research, and obtain products on almost a virtual basis.
It is usually easy to obtain over-the-counter products.
Japanese industries have been obtaining products from other countries in Southeast Asia.
In order to survive, this division needed to obtain new products.
We should not normally give details on air of how and where to obtain products or services.
As a result, they obtain finished products like soap, oil, ointment and sell them on the market.
In a democracy, elected representatives must listen to the public, and the days have gone when animals need be cruelly slaughtered to obtain commercial products.