It is an equitable remedy where the court can enable an aggrieved party to obtain restitution".
The prosecution associations sometimes also provided crime insurance to their members, and would go after offenders in an effort to obtain restitution.
His sons obtained restitution, but were obliged to put the mansion up for sale in 1802.
Priestley tried to obtain restitution from the government for the destruction of his Birmingham property, but he was never fully reimbursed.
Proposition 8 established the right of crime victims to obtain restitution from any person who committed the crime that caused them to suffer a loss.
By her he had two daughters, Margery and Katherine, who in 1553 obtained restitution by act of parliament.
Mr. Nelson said that through Florida's efforts, the burden of proof for obtaining restitution in the settlement was largely shifted from policyholders to the company.
After futile attempts to obtain restitution, the monks moved to Austria and established the Mekhitarist Monastery of Vienna.
Police sleuths, magistrates, art officials and diplomats try to obtain restitution.