He also obtains revenge for his father's death and shoots an arrow through Wīdrafš' heart.
More than one had been concerned in the injuries to my father and mother; more than one were interested in obtaining revenge.
In order to obtain revenge, the couple kidnap and torture the serial killer, but then have to deal with the stress of torturing him.
After the funeral of the Russian victims, tensions spilled over into an all out riot as the mob attempted to obtain vigilante revenge.
When Gavin, the popular editor of the school paper, fires him, Eddie obtains revenge by establishing an underground paper of his own.
Some mafiosi who had been on the losing end of Mafia feuds voluntarily cooperated with prosecutors, perhaps as a way of obtaining protection and revenge.
He also obtained revenge on Tigatron, killing his white tiger companion Snowstalker during a mission.
The story opens with Erik determined to obtain revenge for the unjust treatment of his parents.
Unbeknownst to the Morgans, Hale crawls down the mountain through snow determined to obtain revenge against Gus.
Vitelli, however, is determined to fulfill the demands of his code of honor and obtain revenge for his uncle's death.