This is the only source non-payers can obtain uranium.
Fadl also talked about bin Laden's desire to attack Americans, including his ambition to obtain uranium.
Mr. Blair also said he stood by the disputed intelligence regarding Iraq's efforts to obtain uranium from Africa.
"There is other reporting to suggest that Iraq tried to obtain uranium from Africa," the statement said.
A number of reports suggested that Venezuela was helping Iran to obtain uranium and evade international sanctions.
France has rejected an Iranian demand to obtain enriched uranium as part of a final settlement in a financial dispute between the two countries.
If terrorists obtained enough such uranium they could fashion a full-fledged nuclear weapon, not merely a "dirty bomb" that would scatter radioactive waste.
There is no longer any secret about how to build an atom bomb; the main challenge is obtaining the plutonium or uranium.
"There was reporting, although it wasn't very specific, about Iraq's seeking to obtain uranium from Africa."
The United States of America obtained uranium for the atomic bomb from the Union Minière.