This result was obtained following several lengthy meetings and enormous efforts by all those involved.
The importance of obtaining and providing accurate information following natural disasters has been emphasized in Japan ever since.
Authority to label the contents as domestic produce was obtained following the expenditure of appx.
This organisation obtained authorised status on the 14th of November 2001 following the government recognition of its activities.
If completed, and no further funding obtained, following modification of the project by the state, there would be a total of 22 miles of berm.
Lombardy obtained two more seats to the Senate, following the redistricting subsequent to the 2011 Census.
This normally has little impact on benefits obtained following release from active duty, but can lead to a less-than-honorable discharge from the reserves.
Blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen are also injuries obtained following a tornado, but only account for less than 10% of overall injuries.
The band obtained moderate popularity in the United Kingdom following the release of its 2006 self-titled debut album.
He obtained his doctorate from the University of Munich in 1891, following studies in medicine at several German universities.