The obvious comparisons involve the general managers, the coaching staffs and the captains.
Most Russian newspapers saw the obvious comparisons today, and few were willing to write the former paratrooper off.
"Python is the obvious comparison, but they were less laugh-driven."
Link avoided obvious comparisons, merely turned and headed back toward the government compound.
Take, for example, the most obvious comparison: the car's appearance.
It also raises obvious comparisons with the policies and ideals of the Nineties.
For all the obvious comparisons, policy makers may draw little guidance from their experiences raising rates in 1994 and 1997.
I was very aware of that when we made the show, because of the obvious comparisons to other shows out there.
The manner of it took the breath away and drew the obvious comparisons with Tiger Woods.
Surely I must be missing something otherwise the review or subsequent comments would have made this, to me, obvious comparison?