Boston has the second-most runs scored in the major leagues and will have obvious incentive to beat him today.
And there will be less obvious incentives: the connections between members of the medical professions and nursing homes, to take but one highly emotive example.
Both sides have an obvious incentive to complete the deal.
The most obvious incentive is the $180,000 first prize in the $1 million purse.
Intrinsic motivation: Evident when people engage in an activity for its own sake, without some obvious external incentive present.
Charity is the most obvious and well-used incentive for running.
High prices for rare specimens - one plant recently sold for $3,500 (£2,170)- are an obvious incentive.
After all, people have an obvious incentive to exercise care when spending their own hard-earned dollars.
They have obvious incentives to do deals that, while fine for the adviser, may not be in the best interests of the company and shareholders.
"A loose coalition of states would work better, but there's an obvious incentive against it," Ms. Naby said.