Birds, insects, fish, and cuscus were occasional additions to what was mainly a vegetarian diet.
The band grew with the occasional addition of Maybelle's children, including Helen.
Due to better management of the aquifer and occasional additions of water, lake level has been rising since 1990.
Unusually, she plays harmonium and mountain dulcimer, with occasional electronic additions.
In addition to the three main classes of telescopes, there may also be occasional additions to the network which do not fit within these classes.
Hampshire High School's colors are green and white with the occasional addition of black and/or gold.
The carpets are always hand made of wool or sometimes cotton, with occasional additions of silk.
He wrote his own scripts, with occasional additions by Neil Shand.
These are treated quite faithfully to the originals, with the occasional addition of an action scene for visual punch.
The occasional addition to the repertoire will be welcome.