Jackson found that extreme heat and occasional downpours did not adversely affect the Optocore fibre audio connections around the largest venues.
Despite occasional downpours, thick crowds unpack their heirlooms for the experts.
In regions where there is little rain, an almost flat roof with a slight run-off provides adequate protection against an occasional downpour.
Rainfall is experienced all year round, with summer storms providing occasional heavy downpours.
A Weather Service meteorologist, Tom Morgan, said that showers, and an occasional brief downpour, would continue into today.
The land was eroded by wind action and by occasional downpours which carried the debris to the margin of a shallow sea.
In contrast, and in spite of being the peak tourist season, summer in Shanghai is very warm and humid, with occasional downpours or freak thunderstorms.
The rainfall is very low, especially in winter, and may come in the form of a very occasional heavy downpour.
That being said, with Peru generally being a dry country in general, are we talking occasional downpours or days of rain?
Inland the river gorges are inclined to flash flooding with the occasional sudden downpours, giving sufficient water for sheep and cattle stations.