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But even mild-mannered reporters are capable of the occasional bold gesture.
Warlords build schools, repair a road or two and make the occasional grand public gesture.
Ferguson listened with the dispassion of a scientist, his silence punctuated only by occasional gestures that he was following the account.
One of his occasional gestures of humanity: why let her worry that he was going to cost her a job with a casual remark.
He had a prepared speech but followed it only generally, speaking mostly extemporaneously, his hands settled in his pockets except for an occasional gesture.
Everything about her - except an occasional gesture of nervousness - suggests balance, good sense, self-control.
He has seemed to make the occasional gesture back to the fans, when leaving the field after a brutal performance, but his hide is tough.
He also makes the occasional dramatic gesture, like commandeering the prison's loudspeaker and playing a Mozart aria for all his fellow inmates.
Apart from plenty of off-color language and the occasional obscene gesture, there was no trouble at the game.
We must be clear that it is not enough to make the occasional tired gesture, but that we have a genuine responsibility here.