It is a technique that works with only the occasional hiccup.
It is a fairly light though interesting discussion of the occasional hiccup in science's cycle.
The choreography is full of stretched limbs, but also occasional hiccups of the torso and jumps with knee raised.
Please excuse the occasional hiccups, b..
The Volvo wasn't much to look at, but the engine purred with only the occasional hiccup.
Roarma was quieting down, her sobs dwindling into occasional hiccups.
Even though most apps feel a bit rough around the edges and the OS has the occasional hiccup - which it does.
But so far, except for occasional hiccups, the prospect of new competition has not dampened investor zeal.
But as any great manager knows, delegation to those less capable than he can lead to the occasional administrative hiccup.
Don't worry too much about the occasional hiccup in your emotional state - it is the repetitive pattern we are looking for.