A couple testers noticed occasional unsettling jolts transmitted through the SX4's steering column in bumpy turns.
Familiarity can indeed breed ennui, but an occasional jolt of an imaginative freshness can work wonders.
He might not be able to handle booze anymore, but he'd be no use at all without an occasional jolt of the good stuff.
But the sound favors high-pitched piccolo-driven shrieks and bird calls, which answer back and forth while receiving occasional jolts from the lower winds.
Here they clung on by one means or another against occasional jolts of mild acceleration.
His back remained sore, with occasional jolts of pain through it.
Its songs are expected to bring occasional jolts to a playlist.
Better the occasional jolt of pain.
An occasional jolt or two was expected, but not a total loss of gravity.
Ninety-nine percent of them are in shades of blue, with the occasional jolt of color.