Linda Grant (born 15 February 1951) is a British novelist and occasional journalist.
As an occasional journalist his only 'offensive weapon' was his pen, or rather his word processor.
Paul Nicholas Mason (born 1958) is a Canadian novelist, playwright, and occasional journalist.
Before his employment at the embassy he apparently was a French tutor in a Dutch family in Amsterdam, and an occasional journalist.
There is the occasional journalist to contend with, and glimmers of recognition from among the many Cubans who live here.
Hunting birds is no longer allowed, and the stack is visited only by scientists and the occasional journalist, and, perhaps, some who climb it illegally.
The crews usually consist of a mix of astronomers, physicists, biologists, geologists, engineers and the occasional journalist.
He began a writing career in earnest with The Paperman as an occasional journalist, books and literary editor and music reviewer.
He was also an executive director of the Bank of England and an occasional journalist with the "Daily Telegraph".
The students come from across the country: engineers, doctors, drywallers, teachers, carpenters and the occasional journalist.