As I've said before it comes over as a jumble and I just don't have the patience to pick through on the off chance that there might be an occasional nugget hidden away somewhere.
Wedderburn is a popular spot for hopefuls with gold detectors who are still finding the occasional nice nugget.
The metal was originally exploited by the Indians of Colombia and Ecuador who recovered it in the form of grains and occasional nuggets from gold-bearing alluvial deposits of rivers draining into the Pacific.
There are occasional nuggets of wisdom on advanced topics, like how to perform math calculations within a table in a Word for Windows document.
The pity is that the occasional nuggets of gold may get lost in all this dross.
The patience of job is not sufficient, in Mr. Anderson's judgment, to separate the occasional nugget from the sea of dross in which it swims.
Boring, tedious ore, with an occasional nugget of technical information.
They were an ingenious mixture of true fact, harmless disclosures and an occasional nugget of the grossest misinformation.
He also offers the occasional nugget of unusual advice.
After a rather tedious first half, the book improves somewhat as Tamm enters China and slows down enough to ferret out the occasional interesting nugget.