But she genuinely liked the child and thought her occasional observations clever.
It was the vam-piric gift that we could move so stealthily, shifting quickly out of sudden and occasional mortal observation with an instinctive grace.
Except for mothers with young and occasional observations of pairs of males, animals are usually found alone, so that the species is considered solitary.
To Lucinda's delight, Harry spent the entire half-hour regaling her with anecdotes, on dits and the occasional dry observation.
But despite occasional sharply focused observations, "The American Gentleman" is a less than satisfying critical performance.
Long moments passed while Stern awaited John's occasional observations, to which he could add some knowing comment of his own.
He was also positive that, although he and Angelo might be under occasional observation, no one could have heard this private conversation.
Sure, she had indulged in the occasional uncharitable observation that his affection for the child was no more than a front.
While he speaks, he holds a young cattle-pup, and intercuts his tale with the occasional observation about the pup's feet, or a request for a knife.
In later works, however, he offered occasional observations and remarks respectfully critical of Nozick's theories, and of right-libertarian theory in general.