Beloved by rock stars and movie stars, ballplayers and even the occasional politician, cocaine was a drug of power and panache.
Labor leaders, diplomats, an occasional politician.
Marion hosted relatives, left-wing writers, dissidents such as Joe Slovo of the South African Communist Party, academics from abroad, the occasional politician.
Jerry, Anguilla's best-known character, is a patriarch, sometime entrepreneur, builder, occasional politician and part-time philosopher.
His business with his solicitors, agents, and the occasional politician was handled by post.
Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas.
It is, admittedly, refreshing to meet the occasional non-slippery politician.
"No screaming and shouting," he says, just serious, in-depth conversations with poets, nonfiction authors, journalists and even an occasional politician.
There is also an occasional seasoned politician with a lot of money, like Bill Simon Jr., a Republican businessman who unsuccessfully ran against Mr. Davis last year.
Like the occasional obscure politician who turns up at a political convention as keynote speaker and steals the show, the relatively unknown Acri made an impression.