I would love to hear occasional updates on your Vitamin D research.
The London borough that administers my public sector pension subjected me correctly to a series of tests and interviews: i was then paid efficiently and receive occasional updates.
However, while Apple has submitted occasional minor updates to the draft, no additional steps appear to have been taken towards IETF standardization.
News updates were recorded in Bogotá and Miami with occasional updates from Berlin and New York City.
He also patches in with occasional updates on how his rescue plan is going.
In March 2012, the comic returned to occasional updates with an announcement that scheduled updates would return in 2013.
Join the Free Thinking mailing list for occasional updates with what's happening on air and online.
Subsequent to this initial configuration they will only need occasional updates every few days to retain optimal focus.
He'd tentatively broached the possibility of occasional updates, but had quickly shut down that line of inquiry when he saw the cold gleam in her eyes.
On December 1, 2009, Redbana began occasional daily updates via the Mythos "teaser" website.