But then they were down, in the hover, the grey sea splashing white with the occasional, lazy wave.
Advance was like that of the incoming tide, throwing an occasional wave far in front of its rising flood.
The waves here are gentle with the occasional wave.
The beach is popular with windsurfers and skimboarders because of occasional large waves.
The breeze blew the tops off occasional waves under a deep blue sky.
Except for a few whistles and an occasional wave of a hand or shake of a head, the discussion was carried out in complete silence.
The occasional ice-cold wave would lop over the side to brace the passengers.
There are however occasional cold waves that lead to temperatures near freezing.
During occasional waves of paranoia, he was convinced that he was about to be sold for body parts.
She barely noticed them, giving an occasional impatient wave only when they got too close to her eyes.