He retains the access port from this programme in the right occipital area of his skull.
Savants activated the right inferior occipital areas of their brain, whereas control participants activated the left parietal region which is generally associated with attentional processes.
In 1878, he published findings from studies involving dogs and monkeys that led to the conclusion that vision was localized in the occipital cortical area.
"The occipital area of my head impacted with the arm of the chair."
In patients with visual disturbances, slow waves are detected in the occipital areas.
However, there is activity near the fusiform gyrus, as well as in occipital areas.
The second line bisected this one, starting at the middle of the forehead and extending back to the occipital area.
"She has some interesting X-ray findings in her occipital area extending forward."
"How about the occipital area?"
We have been recording your alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves as integrated hi your occipital area.