At the start of the series, Morpheus is captured by an occult ritual and held prisoner for 70 years.
Hurt prolonged his life through a series of occult rituals.
Nobody knows what goes on there, except pilots have spotted bonfires at night, like maybe there's occult rituals.
Hood credits God with cleaning up both him and Harvey from drug addictions born out of their use in occult rituals:
The murders are an occult ritual, a complex sacrifice using Victorian London itself as an altar.
A thriller about the true horrors of occult rituals, whose name has since been changed to Blood Moon.
Some underage girl died during an occult ritual he was conducting.
All such exemptions have turned the payment of taxes into an occult ritual; even highly educated Americans need professional help to settle accounts with their Government.
The drill site under the building has become the site of an occult ritual meant to raise a dead god.
Invocation of the suggestion in the style of an occult ritual (It is, you are, thou art, I am).