He retained a critical faculty in dealing with occult subjects, believing that there is a good deal of fraud or self-deception in Spiritualism and psychical research.
The second book confirmed her guess, as it was another treatise on an occult subject, this time printed in Gothic black-letter German, and of a more recent date.
The first magazine to promote the extra-planetary theory was Fate, a pocket-size pulp specializing in articles on telepathy, spiritualism, and other occult subjects.
However Fuller continued to be fascinated with occult subjects and in later years he would write about topics such as the Qabalah and yoga.
Beyond occult subjects, Maria Naglowska also influenced the surrealist art movement.
The Highgate Vampire is now regularly featured in books and internet sites on occult subjects.
See the Prayer of the Undines, given by Eliphaz Levi and some other writers on occult subjects.
Aunt Janet's eerie beliefs, fortified by her books on occult subjects--and of late, in our isolation from the rest of the world, the subject of daily conversations--helped to this end.
Ogden's original followers came mostly from around Boise, Idaho, where she had been lecturing on occult subjects prior to her move to Utah.
The Skeptic's Dictionary is, according to its foreword, intended to be a small counterbalance to the voluminous occult and paranormal literature; not to present a balanced view of occult subjects.