This includes getting the proper tax registrations, business and occupational licenses and permits from federal, state and local governments in order to operate legally.
If you are a registered business in New Jersey your business or members of your staff may be required to hold professional or occupational licenses.
A job title given to people in various occupational fields that have earned a certificate by passing an exam, but lack the occupational license to perform at the professional level in the field.
Local officials raised another possible objection Monday, announcing that the Bakkers had not applied for an occupational license to operate their headquarters from the shopping center.
Barring people with criminal records from subsidized housing, professional and occupational licenses, voting and public employment often creates barriers to successful re-entry.
In many areas, no special occupational license is required for pet sitters.
Other penalties include the suspension of the driver's licenses and business or occupational licenses of parents who refuse to offer financial support to their children.
Requires state professional and occupational licenses be withheld from illegal immigrants.
"I revoked the certificate of occupancy and also the occupational license this afternoon," he said.
Occupational data may be reported in occupational licenses, tax assessments, membership records of professional organizations, trade directories, census returns, and vital records (civil registration).