Substantial differentials can, however, be observed if comparing the top 20% of the population with the bottom 20% on a scale of 'occupational prestige.'
Besides methodological issues, including sociometric data analysis and exit-polls, he also published research on poverty, occupational prestige, and xenophobia.
Social class, generally described as a combination of educational attainment, income and occupational prestige, is one of the greatest cultural influences in America.
Social origin characteristics like parents' education, occupational prestige, income, family size, and socioeconomic status set context for one's upbringing, with privileged students being more likely to pursue higher degrees.
All socio-demographic characteristics are potential elements of Blau space, including continuous characteristics such as age, years of education, income, occupational prestige, geographic location, and so forth.
This resulted in a hierarchy of citizenship categories based on occupational prestige, defined along the lines of unequal welfare benefits.
Success, as Mr. Conley defines it, depends on several standard sociological measures: educational attainment, occupational prestige, income and net worth.
One's ability to successfully complete the process of educational attainment strongly correlates to the capacity to realize adequate pay, occupational prestige, social status, etc. upon workforce participation.
A comparison of occupational prestige between the United States and 60 other countries can be found on Chemeketa Community College's website.
One of the most commonly used measures of social inequality is occupational prestige.