It was described as a sitcom about "a New Jersey family that moves into a gated community occupied exclusively by extraterrestrials."
The 24-story structure was occupied exclusively by high-class dressmakers.
This development - exclusively occupied by car component manufacturers - was the first of its kind in Europe.
Two recently-built skyscrapers are exclusively occupied by two different hospitals and its corporations.
The seats across from them are occupied exclusively by Hasidic and Orthodox men.
His duties until 1942 were occupied exclusively by architectural work, mainly large works that Hitler planned but would never build.
With the exception of one Japanese-speaking American woman, it was occupied exclusively by Japanese men.
The neighborhood was originally occupied exclusively by white residents.
This class is exclusively occupied by one clan or gens with the nomen gentile of Abriel.
Today, only one building in the fur district, at 150 West 30th Street, is occupied exclusively by furriers.