Outside an occupied home a man was unloading furniture from a station wagon.
As of July 2006 the community included approximately 550 occupied homes, and a number of businesses.
By March 1957 40 houses had been completed and by May 1958 there were 100 occupied homes.
Most of the residents were allowed to stay in parts of their occupied homes.
We employed Building Research Establishment scientists to visit 100 occupied homes.
All the businesses had long since closed and perhaps a dozen occupied homes remained.
Lantana had 2,677 occupied homes as of April 26, 2013, with an estimated populated of 8,700.
None of the 12 occupied homes have plumbing.
In 1990, 56% of occupied year-round homes were owner-occupied.
In 1980, 83 percent of the forms that went to occupied homes were mailed back.