The office is responsible for the occupied portion of the city's tax-foreclosed housing stock.
Mass repression occurred in the occupied portions of Poland as well as in the Baltic states and Bessarabia.
Both the unoccupied and the occupied portions of France remained legally under the control of the Vichy government.
A second midnight approach to the occupied portion of the palace provided us with some distinctly unwelcome news.
Such small unit tactics pioneered by the Missouri Partisan Rangers were seen in other occupied portions of the Confederacy during the Civil War.
That left 96 men in all to accomplish the mission-to gain control of the barbarian army and this occupied portion of the planet.
Therefore, as far as the occupied portion of his mind and through it the Overlords were concerned, he did so.
Olah opposed a series of strikes by Communists in the Soviet occupied portions of Austria in 1950.
A month later, in October 1939, von Ribbentrop was transferred to the field regiment, which was located in the occupied portion of Czechoslovakia.
At the same time, the Pequot came from the west, and occupied portions of eastern Connecticut.