All but two of the 20 species in this group occupy habitats in far northern latitudes.
In the few areas where they do coexist, the tendency is for them to occupy different habitats.
The genus appears to be able to occupy widely different habitats as long as its requirements for water are met.
There can also be a mutualism between species that occupy adjacent marine habitats.
It occupies coastal habitats and is often associated with mangrove forests.
While their ranges overlap, they are generally found at different altitudes and occupy different habitats.
Juvenile fish often feed differently and occupy different habitats than the adults do.
Canada geese will occupy grass-filled habitats near sources of water as long as people continue to provide them.
These three species are quite similar, and they occupy similar habitats that are in relative close proximity to one another.
Depending on their location, green tree frogs occupy various habitats.