Despite occurring amidst undisputed rumors, such as misconduct from their agency, their breakup was nevertheless sudden and unexpected by many fans.
These later explorations occurred amidst a global wave of research and development of the geothermal power.
His resignation occurred amidst deep controversy over changes to the university budget and staffing.
The incident occurred amidst a crowd that had been gathering in anticipation of an expected appearance by pop star Tommy Hanson.
The elections occur amidst the backdrop of a deepening conflict that started as protests and had evolved into violent confrontations.
Perhaps, the genesis of this pilgrimage site occurred amidst a vibrant mercantile community.
This occurs amidst the largest U.S. troop rotation since World War II.
The change in staff occurred amidst key story arcs.
This occurred amidst great media attention into the apparent spate of carjacking thefts, several of which resulted in homicides.
They occur amidst internal and external crisis, shifts in cultural interests, and events that become "defining moments" for each generation.