Her elimination from the show, which occurred in the seventh episode, was controversial.
Usually, the song is about something that occurs in the episode.
The first such incident occurred in the third episode of the series, "Dumbheads in Action".
An incredibly funny moment occurred in the 2nd episode of the 1st series, where one of his challenges was to make people eat sheep's testicles.
The highest (non-pilot) numbers of 12.73 million occurred in the sixth episode of the second season.
The first time she appeared in occurred in the episode entitled "Tola".
Mayson's death occurs in the same episode as Lois and Clark's first official date.
An example occurs in the first episode during the job interview.
This occurred in the last episode of Series 1, where it is the first time she breaks down in tears.
Tessa's death occurs in the fourth episode of the second season; "The Darkness".