Under the importation paradigm, norm formation occurs subtly and swiftly whereas with formal or informal development of norms may take longer.
The magazine searches out stories "in which transformations of language, narrative, and character occur swiftly, deftly, and unexpectedly."
Economic trends occur swiftly and become established before large industries can scale up and take advantage of new demands.
It is characterized by progressive mental and physical deterioration, which can occur swiftly or over a period of years.
Changes have been occurring swiftly in the burgeoning new genetic testing industry.
Did this ... change of structure occur swiftly?
When the current path is through the head, it appears that, with sufficient current applied, loss of consciousness almost always occurs swiftly.
Since pears are "climacteric" fruits, ripening can occur swiftly, as the cell walls soften, giving the pear its buttery texture.
The Government's brief, acknowledging this finding, urged the Court to uphold the law because "technological steps will occur swiftly" once the law goes into effect.
In addition, decay of the effect occurs swiftly and baseline expression levels are reached by 12-24 hours.