Eruptions of volcanoes into air are termed subaerial, whereas those occurring underneath the ocean are termed submarine.
In addition to these, there is a small diagonal line that occurs underneath the final sign in a group a total of 18 times.
"Directing" is suggestively thought, rather than willfully accomplished, because the physical responses to "Directing" often occur underneath one's ability to perceive.
Exterior injuries are misleading as most of the damage occurs underneath the skin.
Such pavings occurred especially near the back and underneath groups of burials.
Deposits of precious metals (gold, silver, coltan) and fossil fuels (oil and natural gas) occur underneath rainforests globally.
However, in 2006, an earthquake swarm occurred underneath the mountain, raising fears that it could erupt sometime in the future with explosive force.
Spawning occurs underneath stones or other objects and eggs are deposited in large clumps.
Otherwise, only instruments would show it, and of course damaged buildings, as the vibration of the ground is felt after the fracture occurs underneath the surface.
Large ejectisomes, visible under the light microscope, are associated with the pocket; smaller ones occur underneath the periplast, the cryptophyte-specific cell surrounding.