Though this future catastrophe won't occur unexpectedly like the tsunami that recently hit southern Asia, it may be just as devastating.
When the death occurs unexpectedly during medical, dental, surgical, or obstetric procedures.
If clinical death occurs unexpectedly, it will be treated as a medical emergency.
The culmination of the "lynch law" period occurred quickly and unexpectedly.
Calamity can occur unexpectedly, whenever a parent's back is turned.
Most of these shootings are seen from a great distance, and occur unexpectedly.
If anything else should occur unexpectedly, we will either have to exceed the ceiling or make cuts in other areas of financial aid.
The actual confrontation with my namesake occurred recently and unexpectedly.
Problems with "getting down" can occur when the lift situation is very good or when the weather changes unexpectedly.
The explosion was initially mysterious, since it unexpectedly occurred in the spine of the whale.