Overhype is a thought-provoking term, the provocation occurring unintentionally, and in two ways.
Rebranding may also occur unintentionally from emergent situations such as "Chapter 11 corporate restructuring," or "bankruptcy."
This phenomenon occurs unintentionally at times.
Often, redundancies occur in speech unintentionally, but redundant phrases can also be deliberately constructed for emphasis, to reduce the chance that a phrase will be misinterpreted.
By contrast, addictive disease is seen particularly when the alcoholic binge occurs unintentionally or even when there was every intention of avoiding it.
Exposure to antiandrogens can occur unintentionally due to natural or anthropogenic compounds in the environment.
The spasm occurs unintentionally.
When split tones occur unintentionally, they are referred to as double buzzing.
It is thought that the spread occurred unintentionally via shipping, either in ballast or between the planks of timber ships.
Copyright Dilemma: This notion refers to situations where copyright infringement is not explicit and might occur unintentionally.