A recent occurrence in her life, however, has caused me some concern.
"This unexpected occurrence," he said, "has caused us rather to lose sight of the original purpose of our journey."
The story takes place forty years after a mysterious occurrence causes the residents of Paradigm City to lose their memories.
This occurrence normally causes no complications, but can occasionally cause urine infections.
Such occurrences caused some anxiety at the time, but were accepted by members as part of their responsibility.
The occurrence I have just related to you has caused me to lose time.
This occurrence might cause compatibility issues with binary news readers that cannot address post counts stored as a 64-bit number.
But some occurrence, natural or otherwise, may have caused it to slow down or speed up and thus be detectable.
Some everyday occurrences cause acute discomfort and embarrassment to many people.
In 1968, however, an unexpected occurrence caused the field to broaden beyond corporate modeling.