The monologist film is about Spalding Gray, the main character, who is diagnosed with this rare ocular condition called "Macular pucker".
Micropsia can be caused by either optical distortion of images in the eye (as by glasses or certain ocular conditions) or by a neurological dysfunction.
Shortly afterwards, she experienced a painful ocular condition and by the age of twenty, she was completely and permanently blinded.
An ophthalmologic subluxation is called ectopia lentis, an ocular condition characterized by a displaced or malpositioned lens within the eye.
Hemeralopia is known to occur in several ocular conditions.
There are a few ocular conditions to which the Field Spaniel has a predisposition.
Infantile esotropia is an ocular condition of early onset in which one or either eye turns inward.
There are a lot of ocular conditions in Ghana and as of now virtually all conditions can be treated in the country including those that require laser surgery.
It is indicated, for example, in steroid-responsive inflammatory ocular conditions where bacterial infection or a risk of bacterial ocular infection exists.
Teleophthalmology has the potential to improve access to screening and early treatment for a number of ocular conditions.