There appear to be too many odd occurrences here.
The three young people, accustomed to hearing the human language by now, never gave this odd occurrence a second thought.
She had been forgotten, an odd occurrence for a girl whose antics normally made her the center of attention.
In fact, there was an odd occurrence when the first Thygetian died.
A hotline was established in 1999 to receive reports of odd occurrences.
"We've had a very odd occurrence in the last hour or so."
As a good homeowner, she felt it her duty to investigate any strange and odd occurrences.
An odd occurrence, yet not so peculiar, considering the policy of the Ilsa.
The man has a past and a family just as he should, but he's the center of too many odd occurrences.
She decides to explore the island more but runs across many odd occurrences.