You're oddly cheerful for a self-described hermit.
He was a large red-faced man, oddly cheerful.
Pulses of light blinked on and off within its murky depths, which gave it an oddly cheerful glow, like a surreal Christmas wreath.
But the room got plenty of light and was oddly cheerful.
He reports, in an oddly cheerful way, that he spent 27 years in jail, "loyal to the end."
Not without pain, but Mr. Cameron wields pain as a healing and oddly cheerful general remedy.
Kate sounded oddly cheerful; Esmay reminded herself that this was not Kate's home.
His voice was oddly cheerful.
He sounded oddly cheerful, almost happy, like a man whose attempt at restitution was nearly complete.
But the community was stunned to discover, one day last month, that someone had absconded with its mascot during the night, leaving behind an oddly cheerful note.