Kerr reveals that Spielrein's mother had raised Sabina 'in complete sexual ignorance', which may explain her confused reaction to these oddly intimate episodes with her father.
The America he has created in these pages is a sprawling frontier, but it's also an oddly intimate world in which everyone seems to know everyone else.
It was an oddly intimate gesture that startled Yuki, and repelled her.
He moved his head down to my ear, so his cheek was against mine, an oddly intimate contact.
I told myself I laughed because the writing was good, and it was - spinning on oddly intimate and freshly observed details of urban life.
Gabriel thought it was an oddly intimate thing for one man to do in front of another.
There are oddly intimate reminders of a home where little children played and adults partied hard, and where a couple once fought violently on New Year's Eve.
The combination of sounds was oddly intimate--a woman's low voice, the splash of water.
Everything was quite different suddenly, oddly intimate and strange.
Because in another sense, as we learn very early on, the lovers were not gods at all but mere mortals working out their oddly intimate relation with the kingdom of death.