These are oddly mixed up with commissions of celebrities for Esquire.
His thoughts were bewildered, and his memories were oddly mixed with the pseudo-recollections, drawn as if from other lives, that had risen before him in his delirium.
Little scraps of news (I cannot resist quoting one or two of them) come in oddly mixed with these personal records of work and family talk.
Andrea and Giustiniana's affair, teetering between Enlightenment and Romanticism, intrigue and authenticity, love and honor, forms a narrative whose moral complexities offer up layers of meaning reminiscent of those one meets in novels like "The Golden Bowl," oddly mixed with the kind of comedy Goldoni might have written.
How high his hopes of its quality and saleableness were (the two things were oddly mixed up in his mind), he imparted to Zulma Carraud.
And love, with him, being so oddly mixed up with calculation, it was to be expected he should succeed best in books in which the dominant interest was some other passion--an exceptional one.