Yet most often the figure is oddly placed within the picture space.
Because priority has been given to the interior, a house's exterior appearance suffers, with oddly placed windows and an amorphous or bloated quality.
Out of some oddly placed sentiment, he'd asked to see one of the animals.
The group stood there, men, a woman and an infant child no more than a newborn, their heads and limbs oddly placed.
She fussed over the circles, which were so oddly placed, gave up on them, and tried to suss out the rectangles.
The white orbs that gave off light were placed oddly, on the floor and on a low table, illuminating only the centre of the room.
The episode itself was oddly placed, on a disc with the episodes that preceded Season 3.
Though rather oddly placed on the fringe of the built-up area, it looks more like a town church than a village one.
But the four Britten cabaret songs did seem oddly placed at the start of the program: more appropriate, perhaps, to a duskier hour.
It was placed oddly by the bed.