That surface was oddly soft and warm, as if only recently extruded from some volcanic fissure.
"I regret the necessity," he said, his voice oddly soft.
He looked down at her, his eyes oddly soft.
"The ship is perfect," Tom's voice assured him, oddly soft for the foreman.
Close up, they had an oddly soft appearance, rounded, as though a giant hand had smoothed them.
The sidewalk felt oddly soft under her feet.
His voice took on a tone that was oddly soft and soothing.
He felt the oddly soft, skillful fingers touching his hands, and then heard the ropes being cut with a knife.
"I was afraid it would come to this," Sola said, her voice oddly soft.
His hair was more blond than silver in the dull sun, making him look younger and, for a tall, hard man, oddly soft.