At Linlithgow in 1585 it was claimed "he maid an odious comparison of His Majesie to Jeroboam and making him inferior to him".
I-I wasn't making any odious comparisons there,' said Merle.
Rolling a smoke was one of them and that was doubtless why Colby had chosen to roll one at a moment that odious comparison might be made.
Spare me the odious comparisons!
Đ"I am going to demand a kiss if you're going to discuss my brain chemistry and make odious comparisons."
His odious comparison is to the producers of the quiz shows themselves.
Too much time spent alone plus sudden large-scale public speaking plus inevitably odious comparisons with one's peers equals, surely, a sitcom?
He is confusing the veterans with the description by President Reagan, who compared us to the contra "freedom fighters," an odious comparison that we reject.
It's in the nature of Southern California to hazard such an odious comparison between a luxurious museum and a public high school.
Such false analogies serve only to invite equally odious comparisons from Israel's critics.