Later on,there is a scene of Hank in his dorm room with several other children who live at the orphanage.
At that moment my mother, seeing no sign of Hank either up or down the creek, calmly drove off.
The discrepancy can be explained away as an inaccurate memory on the part of Hank.
Those are the words of Hank, a man remembering his life as a 15-year-old.
The life of young Hank is shown through piercing dialogue.
After a bit, however, her rage subsided and she began to think more kindly of Hank.
These qualities make her the natural leader in the absence of Hank.
In 2001, the town of Hank had 2,975 inhabitants.
I had decided not to bring up the issue of Hank and the cold water.
In my opinion, they wouldn't leave at all, but would be delighted to get rid of Hank.