The orderly ticked off rates on his claws.
Subscribers receive discounts that average 25 percent off regular rates on calls made evenings, overnight and on weekends.
To commemorate that, it is taking 30 percent off regular rates.
"It has to be coupled with long-term fiscal discipline to take the pressure off long-term rates."
- Up to 30 percent off regular rates at the Oberoi hotel in Lombok.
That represents a saving of $50 off regular rates.
The room rates are 30 to 50 percent off advertised rates, the chain says, making them $69 to $159 a night.
Investigate online discounts because it's easy to get 40 per cent off standard rates.
This would take some pressure off both short and long rates.
Companies bury some of these costs in annual contracts, which provide discounts of up to 20 percent off standard rates.