The off-camera voice was almost irritated now, as if frustrated by Harrington's clinical professionalism.
His off-camera voice, as he reads Lawrence's letters, is husky, as befits the material.
An off-camera voice during the trick can be heard exclaiming "Beef tweakage!"
The segments are usually narrated by an off-camera voice.
In one commercial, the off-camera voice says: "You have a lovely body.
The filmmakers appear in the final cut only as off-camera voices asking occasional interview questions, and the film itself studies the meaning of marriage.
For television, Basil has largely been reduced to an off-camera voice, periodically filling in gaps in the story.
Her eyes glared at the off-camera voice.
There might as well be an off-camera voice intoning: "Yes.
Instead, the pilot begins in 2030 with the off-camera voice of Ted talking to his teenage son and daughter as they wriggle impatiently on a couch.