But even when they don't end up in the scripts, the off-color jokes, writers say, are essential.
He makes plenty of off-color jokes, but is also the moral compass for the show.
Then followed a series of off-color jokes and sexual innuendoes.
He would get into quarrels with the guest singers and tell off-color jokes.
The others make her walk behind them on the street; they laugh when she doesn't get an off-color joke.
He got up and told an off-color joke about a man taking his pet duck to a movie.
We're not here to repeat off-color jokes about the differences between boys and girls.
At first, there were no off-color jokes either, clearly out of deference to me.
"And we have the off-color jokes that people in the news media would tell."
She began to laugh like a young girl catching on late to the meaning of an off-color joke.