There are references here to an off-screen life that was considerably less than charming.
When you have this many characters, and they are all you, your on-screen and off-screen lives kind of meld together.
This method added realism to the film, since some actors' off-screen lives paralleled their onscreen roles.
Kavner exhibits a similar lack of vanity in her off-screen life.
Ms. Bening, it turns out, scares herself into acting, and perhaps as a means of self-protection, she remains guarded about her off-screen life.
In her off-screen life, Swarna is an example of the roles she portrays on-screen.
The legendary long ear's off-screen life is low in profile but far from reclusive.
Cabré is also a regular feature in Argentine press, and his off-screen life is widely reported.
The fact that Cooper's off-screen life was lived in uncommon luxury is mentioned, to be sure, but not dwelled upon.
Karen departs for an off-screen life in Canada when Light left the series in 1983.