But she said there was a growing demand for off-site meetings and training sessions and Kitchawan's unusual setting was a strong advantage.
It was customary at that time for professors to have off-site meetings to discuss with students issues that did not fit the official scientific doctrine.
G.M. has also reduced business travel, off-site meetings and the use of consultants.
Modern business techniques and ethics dictated such precautions for all off-site meetings.
So many good intentions have gone to die in task forces, off-site meetings and mentoring programs.
"Here they're at an off-site meeting, and we set a tone that's different from anything they've ever done before," Mr. Bourke said.
Got an off-site meeting?
I had no idea where the CIA had their off-site meetings, but I suspected the Yale Club.
Instead, Sun cut down on travel, off-site meetings and eliminated the free bagels and doughnuts on Wednesday mornings, a company tradition.
A conference center is used for corporate events, off-site meetings, corporate retreats, engagements, weddings, parties and fundraisers.