She would invite up to 32 guests with diverse viewpoints, then referee a thorough off-the-record discussion of a single controversial issue.
Negotiators at this stage often hold off making formal proposals and have off-the-record discussions to explore where they might be able to go.
The reassurances Mao offered to intellectuals, party workers and students, in many informal speeches and off-the-record discussions, had the effect desired.
Perhaps the biggest step was the Ambassadors Forum: private, off-the-record discussions with visiting dignitaries.
Longstanding Doubts But in off-the-record discussions, many traders spoke of longstanding doubts about the exchange's ability to deal with its problems.
An audience was granted with the stipulation that it be an off-the-record discussion, only some of which could be quoted on the record.
The press officers also seek off-the-record discussions with newspaper journalists.
Rather, it's through informal off-the-record discussions and debate.
Judge Cedarbaum disagreed, then held an off-the-record discussion without the prospective juror present.
He has accepted invitations for such off-the-record discussions in each of three terms of Congress.