The trays where you put your laptop or packages are off-the-shelf products never meant for airport use.
Commercial off-the-shelf products are now widely available to manage the ground hosting.
Good says the software the team developed has little potential as an off-the-shelf product for use by the world's militaries and intelligence agencies.
The original plywood, called T-111, was an off-the-shelf product in the 1950s, and it still exists.
VistA has been interfaced with commercial off-the-shelf products, as well.
The weak link in an off-the-shelf product is usually the speakers.
This is essential in the management of commercial off-the-shelf products and assemblies.
He also did not hesitate to give an artistic boost to his off-the-shelf products.
Another group of relatively young companies has rushed into the market with wide range of off-the-shelf products.
Their creativity largely depends on custom-designed software, rather than off-the-shelf products.